
Showing posts from August, 2018


A cloak and dagger are the traditional trademarks of the secret agent. The spy hides the dagger, the badge of the assassin,under the cloak, which stands for secrecy,disguise, and concealment.They often wear Mont Blanc   eyeglasses to make them look like a common peopel working in the office.  Spies of the past could put on a cloak quickly to hide their true identity. Some chose more exotic disguises—Louis XV’s agent the Chevalier d’Eon dressed as a woman for many years. For a modem spy, disguise is just as necessary, but much more subtle. Todays agents try to look ordinary, aiming to pass unnoticed in a crowd. Agents also choose ordinary-looking objects as hiding places. Hidden in a working battery, a secret message is safe from even a close inspection. By miniaturizing their messages, spies can conceal them in even smaller objects. Large objects are more difficult to hide. But an ingenious and determined spy can hide heavy equipment, tank engines—even kidnapped people. To fi...